Saturday, March 3, 2012


(Jesus said...) I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you! Matthew 17:20

Mateo 17: 20 Porque de cierto os digo, que si tuviereis fe como un grano de mostaza, direis a este monte: Pasate de aqui alla, y se pasara; y nada os sera imposible.

We have HOPE!!! Last year, over Spring Break, I traveled to Honduras, alone, to visit the children. On an outing to the mall, I met an American woman in the arcade. She had two beautiful Honduran children with her and I asked if she was adopting. As it turns out, they had been in the process of adopting for over 3 years and were using the same attorney that we are using. We had a wonderful time sharing our experiences and we had so much in common, even our birthday was the same---March 23rd! I truly felt the Lord sent me this blessing to encourage me that I am not alone on this journey...someone out there is on the same emotional roller coaster, but we both have our Father holding onto us with all of His might!

On Thursday, March 1st---after learning Wednesday that IHNFA was on strike again---our friends finalized the adoption of their son...more than four years in the process!!! The joy was overwhelming!!! God moved a MOUNTAIN...he made a way, where there seemed to be NO way! And, through her, I learned that this strike has ended. We have HOPE!

This Thursday, March 8th, mi Corazon, Reyes and I will travel to Honduras. It has been over three years since we visited together...we usually send one of us 1-2 times a year. There is still so much to do, but we are gradually marking through the list! I absolutely CAN NOT wait!!!


  1. I am praying for your time together in Honduras and maybe, just maybe you will be able to move one step closer to finalizing your adoption as well. I heard the same news about the strike being over PTL!! We do serve such an amazing God, don't we!

  2. Thank you, Alicia! Yes, HE is awesome and more than able to see this adoption through, keeping us safe in the process. I am weak, but HE is strong!

  3. Thinking of you as you travel today and hoping and praying the miracles abound while you are in Honduras. Sending lots of prayers that the mountains begin to move!
