Friday, March 16, 2012

Beyond Blessed

We have been in Honduras for over a week...Mi Corazon, Reyes is exhausted, staying up way too late visiting, but I have been going to bed with the children at 9:30 to get up at 5:45 and help them get ready for school. We have had a great time and are trying not to be sad that we are returning to the U.S. on Sunday.

Quick Recap:
ARRIVAL: Thursday---Warm welcome (and yes, it is HOT here...93 and humid) at the airport and off to the house. Had fun introducing the children to the IPAD....they LOVE it! We realized that Reyes had left his cell phone on the airplane...lost forever =( But refused to let that upset us. Enjoyed candy and new clothes...but the IPAD was the BEST!

Friday---Discovered that the children have lice ...a HUGE problem in Honduras! Fortunately I was prepared with lice shampoos and lice combs. I even brought lice repellent shampoo for me. UGH! Practiced braiding in an effort to minimize access for the lice. We rented a vehicle because I told mi corazon, Reyes that I felt unsafe in the 1972 Toyota Corolla that we purchased for my mother-in-law last fall. I tried a new fruit called MaMe (not sure how to spell is the size of a coconut/cantaloupe and grows on trees) was awesome! Tasted like a mix between a pineapple and a mango! YUM!

Saturday---Had a barbeque at our house! The box arrived from the U.S. with the computer that we sent to allow us to use SKYPE with our family!!!
Having a BLAST!

Sunday---We went to the beach in OMOA and had a wonderful time!!! It was absolutely gorgeous...warm, breezy and sunny! I had grilled lobster at the beachside cabana day! (Saw boys selling iguanas for their meat along the side of the road and got a picture of it...will post sometime)
Reyes and His Mom with the New Refrigerator (Amor Mio)

Monday---Bought a refrigerator for my mother-in-law and a computer desk. I took the kids to the movies, by myself, and we saw John Carter (in English, with subtitles...weird movie!) Stopped at Pizza Hut on the way home and bought pizza--very yummy, actually!

Tuesday---Went to order cable cable in three rooms and cable internet (1 megabyte per second speed) for $40 a month! Not too bad!!! Had waffles for breakfast with nutella, pastelitos (little beef pies) for lunch and baleadas (bean and white cheese with sour cream tacos) for supper. Visited with many friends and had a great day.

Wednesday---not a good day! My mother in law passed out in the courtyard and was very sick all day. Internet installed and took kids to play video games in the mall...bought shoes for Jennifer.
Heading to School
Campo Casenave School

Thursday---WE HAD OUR HOME STUDY!!! Everything went very well....LONG DAY!!!

So, today is Friday...the kids wore casual clothes to school for uniforms and we made waffles again for breakfast. We are planning to go to the lake after school to fish and swim!

It has been an amazing trip! The kids are learning so much English and we have had so much fun packed into such a short period of time! Not looking forward to Sunday...AT ALL!!!

Thank you for your continued prayers....Dios les bendiga siempre!

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you and your new family, especially on Sunday. So many mixed emotions for everyone. Hang in there and only take it day by day, moment by moment. Hugs.
