Saturday, November 26, 2011


I am not a movie person! Our DVD player gets used 1-2 times a year. We don't have Net Flicks or Hulu or movie channels or streaming movies (or any game systems) and I have been to fewer than 5 movies at the theater in the past 11 yrs and 3 were G rated movies in Spanish with the kids in Honduras!!! I enjoy reality tv (Cake Boss, The Little Couple, The Duggar's, Forensic Files and national news), while Mi Corazon, Reyes watches old movies en espanol on Pelicula and Cine Latino. Our TV went out in October and we agreed to wait and shop for a new TV on Black Friday (SUCCESS...after 3.5 hours waiting in line for a 4 AM opening, we got a good reasonable TV and saved $200).

Well, it is time to ship our Christmas box (we most likely will not be going to Honduras for Christmas, due to the chaos at IHNFA). Mami Domi told us that the kid's tv went out this week, so we decided to also send a small tv with a built in DVD player and DVD'S in the box. Shopping for good children's movies is hard enough, but finding them in Spanish is even harder. I bought Bambi and Rudolph, which have Spanish audio and then I found several Veggie Tales with Spanish subtitles for $5/each. The remaining 10 or so were also $3-5 and have Spanish audio...they were all rated G but I had not heard of most of them. I hope they are pretty good!

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