Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hasta Cielo y Mas

 Jefferson, Cristofer & Jennifer

It is much easier for me to speak Spanish with adults and face to face is the best way for me to communicate with Spanish speakers.  Phone connections are often terrible between Honduras and the US (especially when it rains) and our children sometimes have a hard time talking to us over the phone.  One of my favorite things to hear them say is Te Quiero Mucho...(I love you very much)...Hasta Cielo (up to heaven) y mas (and more)!!!  This was one of the first things I learned to say to Mi Corazon (Reyes)...Te Amo Hasta Cielo!  We love our matter how long it takes to bring them to the United States...and God has His hand on them, wherever they are!
 Jennifer's Corazoncito
(little heart)

Our children are fluent and literate in Spanish, which I am very grateful for and I believe this will be very advantageous for their futures.  They are also excited to start learning English.  Last week, Jennifer told me that they are practicing with bilingual books and flashcards that we have sent them.  Jennifer can say and spell/read; Moon, Apple, Dog and Cat, but she says Cristofer knows every card in the Plaza Sesame (Sesame Street) deck of flashcards!  I wish it were easier to practice.  I am actually looking forward to the 4-6 weeks of alone time we will have in Honduras at the end of the adoption process.  What a luxury---after years of working overtime to pay for the adoption, we are ready for a long vacation of family time!!!

My nephew, Brandon, is in a computer class this year in his sophomore year in high school.  They are learning to build computers from scratch and I commissioned him for two computers, one in English and one in Spanish.  The Spanish computer will be sent to Honduras for us to network and figure out how to use Skype for communicating with Mami Domi (abuelita---grandma).  This is going to be VERY interesting!!!

I am glad that I have started this blog, but in some ways, it makes me so very sad!  It is not much different than those tearful goodbyes at the airport when we have to leave the kids behind as we return home to Texas...but the Bible says; "Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5   This is a promise that I hold onto do our children!
Sad faces at the Airport
Cristofer at the Airport

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