Sunday, October 14, 2012

Little Children

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

We have been in Honduras for almost a week.  It has been wonderful to be with our family and friends, but this week has not been without it's sorrows and challenges.  There have been two murders, within a half mile from our home, of friends well-known in our community.  On Wednesday, at 11:45 AM, the long-time tortilla vendor was robbed and shot 13 times on the road 4 houses away.  On Friday, at 5:30 pm, a neighbor was travelling to his job as a security guard and passed two men beating another man, he slowed down, and was shot dead by the criminals, likely because he was in uniform and trained to identify them.  Because of this crime wave, we have stayed very close to home.  Though we have gone to the grocery store twice and Reyes took the boys to get their hair cut yesterday, we do not have reliable transportation or funds to travel too far (yes, the beach sounds very nice right now).  Our 1977 yellow Toyota Corolla is running...after a new battery.  But, it is far from safe!  Three times, the passenger door flew open driving down the road and one time the driver's door flew open....LOCO!!!

The children have a three day school Monday because it is a holiday.  I just asked the kids what the holiday is on Monday and they don't know.   Jennifer says, "Huelga" or strike.  Possibly! She explains that this year they are in school through December, instead of November, due to all the missed school days, due to strikes.  AND, IHNFA remains on strike and according to our attorney, this strike is serious and may last a while.  Our documents are complete and ready for signing, but the people striking have blocked entrance to the building, including the Director of IHNFA.  We are not sure what options we might have, but Reyes is planning to call our attorney on Tuesday and his god-mother, the mayor of a Honduran city, this weekend.  More importantly, we are praying for a just and rapid end to the strike.  

The children have been enjoying the IPAD, IPOD and Cell Phones...we lost an Ipod and then found it!  Ants got into all of the food that I brought for our trip to Tegucigalpa =(  And we now have two sick munchkins who are not responding to our OTC medications.  I may learn all about the health care system here in Honduras.

But, the best moments have been watching PRAISE videos on YouTube, singing alabanzas acapella in the courtyard, praying together and reading and studying scripture.  PRICELESS memories which will have an eternal impact!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be praying for you while you wait. I know what its like. Only a year ago we came home. I will pray specifically for God to open INFHA so that you can process necessary papers and come home! Love to your family.
